Possible enumeration values:
Name | Value | Description | Ordinal (DO not pass to DTO, use Name/Value!) |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
0 |
PrimaryInsured |
Primary_Insured |
Primary Insured |
1 |
OtherInsured |
Other_Insured |
Other Insured |
2 |
InsuredChild |
Insured_Child |
Insured Child |
3 |
InsuredDependent |
Insured_Dependent |
Insured Dependent |
4 |
InsuredSpouse |
Insured_Spouse |
Insured Spouse |
5 |
JointInsured |
Joint_Insured |
Joint Insured |
6 |
BeneficiaryPrimary |
Beneficiary_Primary |
Beneficiary Primary |
7 |
BusinessPartner |
Business_Partner |
Business Partner |
8 |
BeneficiaryContingent |
Beneficiary_Contingent |
Beneficiary Contingent |
9 |
BeneficiaryTertiary |
Beneficiary_Tertiary |
Beneficiary Tertiary |
10 |
BeneficiaryAssignee |
Beneficiary_Assignee |
Beneficiary Assignee |
11 |
Payor |
Payor |
Payor |
12 |
Payee |
Payee |
Payee |
13 |
CorrespondenceRecipient |
Correspondence_Recipient |
Correspondence Recipient |
14 |
PrimaryAgent |
Primary_Agent |
Primary Agent |
15 |
AdditionalAgent |
Additional_Agent |
Additional Agent |
16 |
Witness |
Witness |
Witness |
17 |
Owner |
Owner |
Owner |
18 |
Trustee |
Trustee |
Trustee |
19 |
ParentOrGuardianSigningForMinorOrIncompetentPerson |
Parent_or_Guardian_signing_for_minor_or_incompetent_person |
Parent or Guardian signing for minor or incompetent person |
20 |
CounterSigningAgent |
Counter_Signing_Agent |
Counter Signing Agent |
21 |
Applicant |
Applicant |
Applicant |
22 |
Grantor |
Grantor |
Grantor |
23 |
Custodian |
Custodian |
Custodian |
24 |
PlanAdministrator |
Plan_Administrator |
Plan Administrator |
25 |
OtherBillingNoticeRecipient |
Other_Billing_Notice_Recipient |
Other Billing Notice Recipient |
26 |
Annuitant |
Annuitant |
Annuitant |
27 |
JointAnnuitant |
Joint_Annuitant |
Joint Annuitant |
28 |
ContingentOwner |
Contingent_Owner |
Contingent Owner |
29 |
ServicingAgent |
Servicing_Agent |
Servicing Agent |
30 |
ThirdPartyRecipient |
Third_Party_Recipient |
Third Party Recipient |
31 |
StatementRecipient |
Statement_Recipient |
Statement Recipient |
32 |
PowerOfAttorney |
Power_of_Attorney |
Power of Attorney |
33 |
CollateralAssignee |
Collateral_Assignee |
Collateral Assignee |
34 |
PvtMetDentalProvider |
PVT_Met_Dental_Provider |
PVT Met Dental Provider |
35 |
BothAnnuitantAndOwner |
Both_Annuitant_and_Owner |
Both Annuitant and Owner |
36 |
Enrollee |
Enrollee |
Enrollee |
37 |
ContingentAnnuitant |
Contingent_Annuitant |
Contingent Annuitant |
38 |
PlanSponsor |
Plan_Sponsor |
Plan Sponsor |
39 |
Underwriter |
Underwriter |
Underwriter |
40 |
PlatformRelationshipUnitAssociate |
Platform_Relationship_Unit_Associate |
Platform Relationship Unit Associate |
41 |
OwnerIfPerson |
Owner_if_Person |
Owner if Person |
42 |
JointContingentOwner |
Joint_Contingent_Owner |
Joint Contingent Owner |
43 |
AnnuitantsSpouse |
Annuitants_Spouse |
Annuitants Spouse |
44 |
CoAnnuitant |
CoAnnuitant |
CoAnnuitant |
45 |
JointOwner |
Joint_Owner |
Joint Owner |
50 |
Conservator |
Conservator |
Conservator |
51 |
UnbornChildOfInsured |
Unborn_child_of_insured |
Unborn child of insured |
52 |
Assignee |
Assignee |
Assignee |
53 |
Investigator |
Investigator |
Investigator |
56 |
Physician |
Physician |
Physician |
57 |
MedicalExaminer |
Medical_Examiner |
Medical Examiner |
58 |
LossFirstNotifier |
Loss_First_Notifier |
Loss First Notifier |
59 |
ClaimantProxy |
Claimant_Proxy |
Claimant Proxy |
60 |
Mortgagee |
Mortgagee |
Mortgagee |
62 |
LossPayee |
Loss_Payee |
Loss Payee |
63 |
Driver |
Driver |
Driver |
64 |
ExcludedDriver |
Excluded_Driver |
Excluded Driver |
65 |
Lessor |
Lessor |
Lessor |
66 |
OtherInterestedParty |
Other_Interested_Party |
Other Interested Party |
67 |
OtherResident |
Other_Resident |
Other Resident |
68 |
SuccessorCustodian |
Successor_Custodian |
Successor Custodian |
69 |
Renter |
Renter |
Renter |
70 |
Resident |
Resident |
Resident |
71 |
Lienholder |
Lienholder |
Lienholder |
72 |
JointApplicant |
Joint_Applicant |
Joint Applicant |
73 |
ClaimProcessor |
Claim_Processor |
Claim Processor |
74 |
ClaimsManager |
Claims_Manager |
Claims Manager |
75 |
ClaimsClerk |
Claims_Clerk |
Claims Clerk |
76 |
ClaimApprover |
Claim_Approver |
Claim Approver |
77 |
SucceedingBeneficiary |
Succeeding_Beneficiary |
Succeeding Beneficiary |
78 |
Borrower |
Borrower |
Borrower |
79 |
CoordinatorOfBenefits |
Coordinator_of_Benefits |
Coordinator of Benefits |
80 |
Other |
Other |
Other |
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