Possible enumeration values:
Name | Value | Description | Ordinal (DO not pass to DTO, use Name/Value!) |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
0 |
WholeLifeOrdinary |
Whole_Life_Ordinary |
Whole Life Ordinary |
1 |
WholeLifeModified |
Whole_Life_Modified |
Whole Life Modified |
2 |
WholeLifeLimitedPay |
Whole_Life_Limited_Pay |
Whole Life Limited Pay |
3 |
WholeLifeGradedPremium |
Whole_Life_Graded_Premium |
Whole Life Graded Premium |
4 |
InterestSensitiveWholeLife |
Interest_Sensitive_Whole_Life |
Interest Sensitive Whole Life |
5 |
TermLevelDeathBenefit |
Term_Level_Death_Benefit |
Term Level Death Benefit |
6 |
TermDecreasingDeathBenefit |
Term_Decreasing_Death_Benefit |
Term Decreasing Death Benefit |
7 |
TermIncreasingDeathBenefit |
Term_Increasing_Death_Benefit |
Term Increasing Death Benefit |
8 |
UniversalLife |
Universal_Life |
Universal Life |
9 |
IndexedUniversalLife |
Indexed_Universal_Life |
Indexed Universal Life |
10 |
VariableUniversalLife |
Variable_Universal_Life |
Variable Universal Life |
11 |
ExcessInterestLife |
Excess_Interest_Life |
Excess Interest Life |
12 |
VariableWholeLife |
Variable_Whole_Life |
Variable Whole Life |
13 |
Disability |
Disability |
Disability |
14 |
GuaranteedSurvivorPurchaseOption |
Guaranteed_Survivor_Purchase_Option |
Guaranteed Survivor Purchase Option |
15 |
LongTermCare |
Long_Term_Care |
Long Term Care |
16 |
DreadDisease |
Dread_Disease |
Dread Disease |
17 |
PaidUpAdditionsRider |
Paid_Up_Additions_Rider |
Paid Up Additions Rider |
18 |
PaidUpAdditionsDividends |
Paid_Up_Additions_Dividends |
Paid Up Additions Dividends |
19 |
AnnuityFixed |
Annuity_Fixed |
Annuity Fixed |
20 |
WaiverOfScheduledPremiums |
Waiver_of_scheduled_premiums |
Waiver of scheduled premiums |
21 |
AccumulatedDividend |
Accumulated_Dividend |
Accumulated Dividend |
22 |
AccidentalDeathBenefit |
Accidental_Death_Benefit |
Accidental Death Benefit |
23 |
FlexibleAdditionalInsurance |
Flexible_Additional_Insurance |
Flexible Additional Insurance |
24 |
FamilyIncome |
Family_Income |
Family Income |
25 |
EstateProtectorRider |
Estate_Protector_Rider |
Estate Protector Rider |
26 |
OverheadExpense |
Overhead_Expense |
Overhead Expense |
27 |
FuneralExpense |
Funeral_Expense |
Funeral Expense |
28 |
HospitalExpense |
Hospital_Expense |
Hospital Expense |
29 |
MedicalExpense |
Medical_expense |
Medical expense |
30 |
AccidentalDisabilityBenefit |
Accidental_Disability_Benefit |
Accidental Disability Benefit |
31 |
LifetimeTotalDisability |
Lifetime_Total_Disability |
Lifetime Total Disability |
32 |
CriticalIllness |
Critical_Illness |
Critical Illness |
33 |
CreditMortgage |
Credit_Mortgage |
Credit Mortgage |
35 |
PvtWsLossOfSightOrLimb |
PVT_WS_Loss_of_Sight_or_Limb |
PVT WS Loss of Sight or Limb |
37 |
WaiverOnDeath |
Waiver_on_Death |
Waiver on Death |
40 |
WaiverOnDisability |
Waiver_on_Disability |
Waiver on Disability |
41 |
CriticalIllnessPremiumWaiver |
Critical_illness_premium_waiver |
Critical illness premium waiver |
42 |
MedicalAidPremiumWaiver |
Medical_aid_premium_waiver |
Medical aid premium waiver |
43 |
OpenInvestmentOption |
Open_Investment_Option |
Open Investment Option |
50 |
OpenInvestmentForRetirement |
Open_Investment_for_Retirement |
Open Investment for Retirement |
51 |
Aids |
Aids |
Aids |
52 |
VariableAnnuity |
Variable_Annuity |
Variable Annuity |
53 |
PaysInEventOfOwnOccupationDisability |
Pays_in_event_of_Own_Occupation_Disability |
Pays in event of Own Occupation Disability |
54 |
PaysInEventOfOwnAndorSimilarOccupationDisability |
Pays_in_event_of_Own_andor_Similar_Occupation_Disability |
Pays in event of Own andor Similar Occupation Disability |
55 |
PaysInEventOfFunctionalImpairment |
Pays_in_event_of_functional_impairment |
Pays in event of functional impairment |
56 |
PaysInEventOfComprehensiveDreadDiseasesDuringTerm |
Pays_in_event_of_Comprehensive_Dread_Diseases_during_Term |
Pays in event of Comprehensive Dread Diseases during Term |
57 |
HeartAndArtery |
Heart_and_artery |
Heart and artery |
58 |
UrogenitalTractAndKidney |
Urogenital_tract_and_kidney |
Urogenital tract and kidney |
59 |
ChildCriticalIllness |
Child_critical_illness |
Child critical illness |
60 |
FemaleBenefit |
Female_benefit |
Female benefit |
61 |
Cancer |
Cancer |
Cancer |
62 |
ConnectiveTissueDiseases |
Connective_tissue_diseases |
Connective tissue diseases |
63 |
HospitalAndSurgical |
Hospital_and_surgical |
Hospital and surgical |
64 |
NervousSystemDisease |
Nervous_system_disease |
Nervous system disease |
65 |
GastrointestinalDisease |
Gastrointestinal_disease |
Gastrointestinal disease |
66 |
RespiratoryDisease |
Respiratory_disease |
Respiratory disease |
67 |
GlobalHealthCareCover |
Global_health_care_cover |
Global health care cover |
68 |
VitalityHealth |
Vitality_health |
Vitality health |
69 |
EducationCover |
Education_cover |
Education cover |
70 |
ChildBirthBenefit |
Child_birth_benefit |
Child birth benefit |
71 |
Endowment |
Endowment |
Endowment |
100 |
RetirementAnnuity |
Retirement_Annuity |
Retirement Annuity |
101 |
GuaranteedInsurability |
Guaranteed_Insurability |
Guaranteed Insurability |
102 |
DanishLumpSumSavingsCoverage125 |
Danish_Lump_Sum_Savings_Coverage_125 |
Danish Lump Sum Savings Coverage 125 |
103 |
DanishAnnuityCertainSavingsCoverage175 |
Danish_Annuity_Certain_Savings_Coverage_175 |
Danish Annuity Certain Savings Coverage 175 |
104 |
DanishDeferredLifeAnnuitySavingsCoverage211 |
Danish_Deferred_Life_Annuity_Savings_Coverage_211 |
Danish Deferred Life Annuity Savings Coverage 211 |
105 |
DanishDeferredAnnuitySavingsCoverage216 |
Danish_Deferred_Annuity_Savings_Coverage_216 |
Danish Deferred Annuity Savings Coverage 216 |
106 |
DanishGuaranteedLifeAnnuityCoverage265 |
Danish_Guaranteed_Life_Annuity_Coverage_265 |
Danish Guaranteed Life Annuity Coverage 265 |
107 |
DanishDeathAnnuityCertainCoverage165 |
Danish_Death_Annuity_Certain_Coverage_165 |
Danish Death Annuity Certain Coverage 165 |
108 |
DanishDeathLumpSumCoverage115 |
Danish_Death_Lump_Sum_Coverage_115 |
Danish Death Lump Sum Coverage 115 |
109 |
WaiverOn50PercentDisability |
Waiver_on_50_Percent_Disability |
Waiver on 50 Percent Disability |
110 |
WaiverOn66PercentDisability |
Waiver_on_66_Percent_Disability |
Waiver on 66 Percent Disability |
111 |
WaiverOfMonthlyDeductions |
Waiver_of_Monthly_Deductions |
Waiver of Monthly Deductions |
114 |
EnhancedDisabilityBenefit |
Enhanced_Disability_Benefit |
Enhanced Disability Benefit |
115 |
ChildTermRider |
Child_Term_Rider |
Child Term Rider |
116 |
SicknessBenefit |
Sickness_Benefit |
Sickness Benefit |
121 |
DreadDiseaseAndImpairment |
Dread_Disease_and_Impairment |
Dread Disease and Impairment |
122 |
PermanentOrPartialIncapacity |
Permanent_or_Partial_Incapacity |
Permanent or Partial Incapacity |
123 |
PreservationPensionFund |
Preservation_Pension_Fund |
Preservation Pension Fund |
124 |
PreservationProvidentFund |
Preservation_Provident_Fund |
Preservation Provident Fund |
125 |
RetrenchmentBenefit |
Retrenchment_Benefit |
Retrenchment Benefit |
126 |
AccidentalDeathAndorDisability |
Accidental_Death_andor_Disability |
Accidental Death andor Disability |
127 |
WaiverOnRetrench |
Waiver_on_Retrench |
Waiver on Retrench |
128 |
ProvidentFund |
Provident_Fund |
Provident Fund |
129 |
GroupPension |
Group_Pension |
Group Pension |
130 |
LifeLinkedInvestment |
Life_Linked_Investment |
Life Linked Investment |
131 |
FamilyTraumaBenefit |
Family_Trauma_Benefit |
Family Trauma Benefit |
132 |
AccidentalDeathAndDismemberment |
Accidental_Death_and_Dismemberment |
Accidental Death and Dismemberment |
133 |
CombinedRiskBenefit |
Combined_Risk_Benefit |
Combined Risk Benefit |
134 |
FuturePremiumWaiver |
Future_Premium_Waiver |
Future Premium Waiver |
135 |
PremiumLockInBenefit |
Premium_Lock_In_Benefit |
Premium Lock In Benefit |
136 |
GlobalLinkageBenefitGuarantee |
Global_Linkage_Benefit_Guarantee |
Global Linkage Benefit Guarantee |
137 |
FamilyRider |
Family_Rider |
Family Rider |
138 |
ReturnOfPremiumTerm |
Return_of_Premium_Term |
Return of Premium Term |
139 |
CashOutTermRider |
Cash_Out_Term Rider |
Cash Out Term Rider |
2147483647 |
Other |
Other |
Other |
2147483647 |